IFHEMA Test Event at HEMAC Dijon XX

Call for Participation


All HEMA competition enthousiasts, take note!!

The International Federation of Historical European Martial Arts (IFHEMA) relaunches its international tournament.

Thanks to an agreement struck last year between IFHEMA and DTE Dijon, the IFHEMA Cup will be held in Dijon biannually during HEMAC Dijon from 2024 onwards. This year (2023), IFHEMA is setting up a test event where the new format of its IFHEMA cup will be tried out during HEMAC Dijon XX. The first edition of the new IFHEMA Cup will be curated by the French HEMA Federation.

We are reshaping the concept of national teams that was first applied during the IFHEMA Cup 2015. Mixed teams will be selected by each national member federation, wishing to contribute. The number of each gender per team should be 30% or higher. Fighters will have the option to fight either in mixed or in their own gender category (opt in/opt out). Rule sets will be variable within an IFHEMA Tournament Framework.

For the test event this year (2023), we will need volunteers, fighters, and staff, to help us see what needs to be improved, changed and/or reworked.

Volunteer fighters in this test event DO NOT need to be sent by their federations.

The test event will take half a day and be longsword only for now. We need maximum 40 fighters and about 16 staff volunteers. The number of women per team should be 30% or higher. Each team will be composed of 5 people (ideally, 3/2).

We intend to test several ways of judging and scoring for technicality, not for hits only. To participate in the test event standard tournament equipment will required (details will follow in the document specifying the rule set). Fighters will have the option to fight either in mixed or in their own gender category (opt in/opt out). You can sign-up as a pre-made team or as an individual fighter. Individual fighters will be assigned to a team later. All HEMAC Dijon participants are welcome to subscribe, even from non-IFHEMA member countries! In case there are more candidates than places, people will be selected on a ‘first sign, first come’-basis.

If you are interested in participating please sign-up using the following link:


or contact Marine Beaumel at

[email protected]

if you have any questions. The rule set, planning and the precise date will be communicated soon.